
Write a modern CV & bag that dream job!

  • Posted: 27.07.18

Here’s some hints and tips on how to write a modern CV and bag that dream job!

Design Matters

To bag that dream job you need a stand out CV. A modern CV should be eye catching, without being an eyesore. Keep it simple with a sleek aesthetic feel that sets it apart from every other CV out there. Don’t be afraid of colour and don’t go overboard with things like capital letters and bold or italic text, save them for emphasis. Select a font that works when your CV is viewed online or printed.


Content Comes First

Be sure to include your contact details at the top of your CV. A good tip is to also include your LinkedIn profile address here and make sure your LinkedIn also reflects your career and skill set appropriately.

It’s important to include a personal profile / summary statement as a chance to sell yourself and your skill set. Keep this at the top of your CV.

Include your most recent employment experience first as this is what is most relevant. Make sure you include a summary of your responsibilities, skills and achievements. Similarly, insert your qualifications in chronological order.

It is worth adjusting your CV for the job you are applying for, thinking about job titles, the skills mentioned to help match your experience against a potential job. It’s also important to include any relevant key words that a potential employer / recruiter may be looking for.


Share the Wins

Avoid the temptation to fill your CV with responsibilities and try to stick to highlighting your successes. Wherever possible be specific and provide evidence.


The Final Touches

It may sound obvious but carefully check your CV for spelling and grammatical errors. It can be worth asking someone else to review it too.

Make sure your CV doesn’t appear crowded, you want to hold the recruiter’s attention. Finally, think about the length of your CV and condense anything that may be too specific and causing your CV to seem too long winded. Don’t worry if your CV is longer than two pages though, experienced candidates will have a lot to talk about.

Why not see if we are currently recruiting for your dream job by looking at our current vacancies here.